Why Insulate Exterior Walls Are Important For Your Homes?
Summer is coming fast and thus the temperature of wall heat insulation is rising rapidly. Considering the horrifying effects of heatwaves in the past, every citizen of Karachi is already apprehensive.
To counter the blows from the sweltering heat, the people of Karachi are installing air conditioners. Although air conditioning is very helpful, you should refrain from using it 24/7. Rather we suggest you opt for wall heat insulation.
However, wall insulation is not quite common, and not many people know why should they install them.
Fortunately, we have decided to take some time and compile all the great reasons why one should opt for wall insulation.
Through Wall Heat Insulation Reduces energy consumption
One of the major reasons everyone should install wall heatproofing in Karachi is its exponential reduction of energy. If you are living in ultimate urban cities like Karachi, you must certainly be finding it troublesome to counter the unbearable heat.
Rather than being dependent on air conditioning and paying hefty bills, you should insulate your house against the heat.
Not only would heatproofing save you from high energy costs, but it would also guard your house against harmful radiation.
Premium protection from wall dampness
Sadly, the dampness of walls is a common issue that damages the formation of walls and ruins the aesthetic of any living space.
Insulating the walls can not only safeguard your home from heat, but it can also secure it from unwanted moisture.
wall heat insulation Protection against the exterior moisture
Although it doesn’t rain very often in Karachi, when it does, it is usually cats and dogs!
Sadly, rain can affect the exterior walls a lot. Since there is already stored moisture in the walls, the external dampness can worsen the situation.
No matter how expensive and better paint you have applied on your walls, repeated confrontation with water can wash it all away. As a result, your external walls can look unpleasant and pave water for water leakage.
By installing wall proofing to your house, you can significantly reduce the adverse effects of rain and thus protect your pocket from repeated home renovations.
Helps to reduce the internal temperature
Thanks to global warming, the temperature rise is something that everyone is affected by. Especially if you are living in Karachi, you might be tired of the ever-increasing temperature and harshness of the weather.
Since wall insulation can reduce the average temperature, you should opt to insulate the exterior walls of your home.
Walls not only safeguard your home, but they also protect your home from various atmospheric conditions. This only adds up to the total temperature exerted on your home.
That is why they are usually the first structures that get heated up easily. Furthermore, walls are in direct contact with the sun, so all the entrapped heat at your home is because of the overheating walls. By installing heat-trapping material at the walls of your home, you can lower the temperature of your overall house.
Alleviates the risk of insect infestation
Usually, insects enter the home through tiny holes and gaps in the walls. Therefore when there is a solid layer covering your wall, they would not be able to pass through it and make homes out of it.
By insulating the exterior of your walls, you can also shield your home from unfamiliar insect infestation.
Since various insecticides and pesticides are present in the market, coating the heatproofing layer on your wall, you can effectively get rid of all these pathogens.
We hope now you have understood why insulating your external wall is so crucial. Although a number of companies offer home improvement services in Karachi, we recommend you choose Universal Services above all.